Thursday, December 11, 2008


So i realized i haven't blogged in a while. oops. I completely missed November! So here is my blog for November. Although it was busy, but mainly uneventful, we had a great Thanksgiving with my family and lots of great food! I didnt go all out decorating for fall, but did manage to put a wreath on my door, and its not Martha Stewart worthy, but this is what it ended up like after trying to do the ribbon 7 times! (its a little battered from the storm the other day)

The highlight of November came on the very last night of the month. Someone had dropped 2 puppies at our house. We had pulled in the driveway and saw something on our porch. We backed up to shine the light on it and 2 little faces peeked out. This is the following conversation:


steve: no we dont.

me: yes we do!! we've got puppies!!

steve: nu huh, no we dont.

me: uh huh!! we've got puppies!!

Anyone notice the difference in punctuation in our sentences? So we found a great home for one of them and here is our newest member of the family, Annie.

I call her our Lil Orphan Annie, but we really named her Annie Oakley. Our other dog is named Cowboy, so now we have Cowboy and Annie Oakley.

Merry Christmas everyone and God Bless!!

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